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Dec. 31st, 1934.

My dear Mr. Holmes:

A few days ago Mr. de Hauke and Mr. Levy of our firm left at your Museum, upon the request of Mr. Edgell, the pastel "Danseuse" by DEGAS.

According to what they told me this exceptional work seems to have created the greatest enthusiasm among everyone who saw it in Boston. Mr. Edgell and Mr. Cunningham are very anxious to see the picture remain in the Museum, I understand, and Mr. Robert Treat Paine spoke to Mr. Edgell and to Prof. Sachs, I think, on the subject. Mr. Allen, Mr. Metcalf, and Mr. Rossiter have also been tremendously impressed by this important work. 

I feel, therefore, that the last step in the purchase of this picture by Boston Museum rests in your hands because the only objection which could be raised against this addition to the Museum's permanent collection would be the fact that the Museum already owns three Degas. But I hope you will allow me to emphasize the fact that amongst these pictures are two extremely fine example of the "Race Course" scenes; and the third one - a ballet scene - is not comparable in quality and importance to the above mentioned ones.

In view of Degas' many-sided talent and importance it might seem very justified to add our great picture. It 


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