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is indeed one of the few complete works of Degas for this celebrated subject - most of his works having always been researches for the very few complete pictures, which immediately found their way into the Comando Collection of the Louvre or the Havemeyer Collection of the Metropolitan, when they left Degas' studio.

The size of the figure, the brilliancy of the colors, the complete pedigree and the fact that this picture has never been on the market, are elements which should be of a nature to influence favorably the purchase by your Museum.

Finally, I may tell you that the price at which we are offering this picture is particularly low, and it constitutes, to my mind, the ideal 1934-35 type of purchase. Indeed, we have been asked for this picture- when we tried to purchase it in 1929 - the sum of $30,000.

I take advantage of this letter to wish Mrs. Holmes and yourself a Very Happy New Year, and hoping to have an opportunity to see you soon again, kindly believe me respectfully, and

Most Cordially yours,

(René Seligmann)

Edward J. Holmes Esq.,
295 Beacon Street,
Boston, Mass.

Transcription Notes: