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Department of Decorative Arts 
of Europe and America

December 3, 1949 

Dear Mr. Seligmann, 

Thank you very much for your kind letter and I am really glad to hear from you since I have been thinking of you very often and felt sorry that we haven't seen each other for such a long time. I returned from my vacation very late in the Fall and since then I have been so busy that I could hither to New York only for a brief moment. Now I am planning to come for a real stay sometime before Christmas and I am hoping to see you then. 

Thank you for your note about the great Renoir bronze. It is wonderful that you have it and you can imagine that, of course, I am eager to see it soon. At the same time, alas, I feel rather sceptical that our Museum will be interested enough in the matter. At any event, I would be pleased to have the photograph you had made of it as well as to hear about the price before I come to New York. 

With kindest regards. 

Dr. Georg Swarzenski

Mr. Germain Seligmann
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N. Y.