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MFA [[image]]

Office of the Director 

April 26, 1960

Mr. and Mrs. Germain Seligman
Jacques Seligman & Company
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, New York

Dear Germain and Ethelyn:

The Courbet Exhibition at the Boston Museum proved to be an outstanding artistic and popular success. We feel especially gratified to have joined with the Philadelphia Museum in honoring the Master of Ornans whose appreciation in American began in this city ninety-four years ago. For many people this unexampled display provided an opportunity for a fresh appraisal of a great master without whom the development of modern painting is inconceivable. 

The exhibition attracted 35,402 visitors; 2,531 catalogues have been sold. Conspicuous amidst the constant crowds were many young people, providing the eager response of the huge student body in the greater Boston area.

The Museum recognizes the sacrifice you have made in contributing to the exhibition so generously. On behalf of the Trustees I should like to express to you our grateful appreciation.

Sincerely yours,
Perry T. Rathbone


Delighted you sold this beautiful picture which looked wonderful in the exhibition here.

[[right margin]] Boston Mus of Fine Arts [[/right margin]]

Transcription Notes:
. image = logo I wasn't sure how to reference the logo image at the top.