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New York 22, New York

April 18, 1960

Dear Hanns:

How good of you to have sent me such a very nice little note before leaving for Europe.

I was indeed disappointed not to have seen you while you were in New York, but as you write, we might be able to get together in Europe.

I expect to reach Paris, Hotel Ritz, Place Vendome, on May 14th, and am wondering whether you could send me a few lines there telling me of your plans in May or June so that we may meet some time somewhere. Most probably I will be going over to London during the week of May 22-28. Do you expect to be there then?

With kind thoughts,


Germain Seligman

Dr. Hanns Swarzenski
c/o The Warburg Institute
Woburn Square
London WC 1, England

[[right margin]] Boston Fine Arts [[/right margin]]


Transcription Notes:
. Can't make out the signature on the lower right-hand side.