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November 6th., 1940.

Dear Sir:

In the Spring of 1939 we put at the disposition of Mr. Huyghe of the Louvre Museum, a certain number of printings destined to be exhibited in South America.

Some of these paintings have been returned to us -at the close of the exhibition in Buenos Aires - but a paster by Odilon Redon "Profil et Fleurs" was kept and sent out with a circulating exhibition through South America.

As I am, of course, extremely anxious to obtain the return of this picture, I communicated with the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires and have just heard from Mr. de Rocha that these paintings had been sent to you. I would be much obliged if you could let me know what steps I am to take to obtain the return of this pastel by Odilon Redon to my firm here in New York. 

With anticipated thanks, 

Your very sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

Monsieur Charles Chenier,
French Consulate General,
San Francisco, California.