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February 5th 1923

Mrs. Cornelia B. Sage Quinton
Albright Art Gallery
Buffalo, N.Y.

Dear Madam,- 

We beg to inform you that the seven tapestries which have been loaned by our firm to your Museum for exhibition, have just reached us, the Express company having delivered them a few hours after we had sent you our telegram this morning. 
We had indeed expected them very anxiously as we had an appointment to-day to show them, and we would have been embarrassed if we would not have had them. 
We thank you very much for the promptness with which you returned these tapestries to us. 
Trusting that your exhibition has been successful as you hoped for, and thanking you for the various clippings you sent us, we are
Very truly yours, 
Jacques Seligman & Co. Inc. 