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April 11th., 1941

Dear Mr. Hamlin:

As per your request, I take pleasure in sending you herein, photograph of the Benin bronze I had the pleasure of showing you yesterday. 

I have just gone over the correspondence exchanged with Baron van der Heydt and confirm to you that we originally mentioned to him (on December 7th) the price of $7,000; and that on January 30th we received from him a cable offering $3,000., to which we replied that in spite of all efforts we have made, the lowest figure we could quote him was $5,000. 

Looking forward to having soon again the pleasure of seeing you,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

Chauncey J. Hamlin, Esq.,
c/o The Museum of Modern Sciences,
Buffalo, New York.

Transcription Notes: