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February 6th, 1940

Dear Cockie and Hettie:
I think I have found your Redon! We received only last week, and just by chance, a most beautiful oil by this master, photograph of which I am enclosing herewith and I call your attention to the size on the back which shows you that it is a fair sized picture.

As you know, we have always favored the pastels of this master, but this particular painting has been under glass ever since it was painted and is the only one I have ever seen that has completely retained its freshness to the extent that it resembles pastel very much.

As for the price, all I will tell you for the moment, is that it is considerably below "those Knoedler prices" which you spoke of when I saw you.

Are you by any chance going to be in New York again in the near future, so that I could have the opportunity of showing [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]] it to you? If not, there is a possibility that I may come to Boston next week-end for the opening of the Medieval Show at the M. F. A. in which case I could very easily take it up with me to show you. (Don't feel badly about this because I am so used to trudging pictures back and forth between New York and Boston after all these years that I can almost do it in my sleep).

It was simply grand being with you both the other evening, particularly after such a long lapse of time, and I hope we can repeat this soon again. With all good wishes and fondest thoughts,

As always - 

(Robert M. Levy)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Kuhn
Germanic Museum
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts


Transcription Notes:
sig. at bottom needs transcription and please stop trying to create fancy formatting - align left and do not indent