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December 12th, 1939

Dear Cockie:
It was good to hear from you after such a prolonged silence due chiefly to your extended absence and more recently, my own trip.

Regarding the problem of your refugee lady and her Meissen China, I personally know very little about this or about the various dealers. On the other hand, Helen has become somewhat of an amateur expert in this type of thing as she has been very seriously interested in silver and china for a long time, and has made quite a study of it, as well as knowing almost all the dealers who handle this type of thing. Therefore, although we can promise absolutely nothing definite, if you would like to bring down one or two pieces of the set for her to see, I think that she would be glad to try to do what she could to sell them.

Other than this, what news from you both? I should like very much to get together with you soon and, in addition, I have one or two things I would like to show you here at the galleries.

Do let me hear from you as to when you might be coming down to New York, and with all best wishes to you and Hettie,

As always - 
Yours faithfully,
(Robert M. Levy)

Charles L. Kuhn, Esq.
Germanic Museum
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts


Transcription Notes:
please read instructions - was incorrectly formatted