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October 22nd, 1956

Dear Mr. Rich:

You will recall that the Chicago Art Institute purchased from my firm in 1947 a marble statue representing

"St. John Holding the Sacred Lamb".

At that time, I had no particular pedigree for it, only repeating the information given me by the last owner.

Research in an entirely different field gave me the possibility of identifying your marble statue with the one which was in the Victor GAY collection of Paris, sold in 1909.

Should you have an opportunity of perusing the catalogue of this collection, you will realize the exceptional taste of this man throughout the quality of the Medieval Works of Art he gathered.

I thought you would be interested in being able to add this pedigree to the record of the statue.

With personal regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Daniel Catton Rich,
Art Institute of Chicago,
Chicago 3, Illinois.


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