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May 10, 1978

Dear Ms. Long,

Please excuse the long delay in answering your letter of January 31st, but as a result of Mr. Seligman's recent passing Gallery affairs have been rather confused.

In regard to the 13th century enamel cross from the estate of Mrs. Herbert N. Straus, our records show that it was purchased by him from this firm on 1 November 1928.

Unfortunately, the invoice shows no provenance beyond this,  and the majority of the firm's records, which were kept in Paris at this time, were destroyed during the War.

I regret being unable to give you any further assistance, and am returning herewith the slide you enclosed for our reference.


Mrs. Germain Seligman

Ms. Deborah Long
Assistant Curator of Decorative Arts
Cincinnati Art Museum
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
