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Cincinnati Art Museum  Cincinnati, Ohio 45202  Telephone 513-721-5204

January 31, 1978

Mr. Germain Seligmann
5 East 57th Street
New York, N.Y. 10022

Dear Mr. Seligmann:

The Cincinnati Art Museum has recently received a thirteenth century enamel cross from the estate of Mrs. Herbert N. Straus (Theres Kuhn). Mrs. Straus had told the Director, Millard Rogers, that the cross had been purchased from Jacques Seligmann in the 1920s. Our research then led us to M. Philippe Verdier of the University of Montreal. M. Verdier has informed us that you are the son of Jacques Seligmann. Might there be any records of this object or this transaction? I am enclosing a slide of the cross to help you identify it. Any information would be appreciated as a verbal provenance is of very little value for museum records.


Deborah Long
Assistant Curator of Decorative Arts

John W. Warrington, President  John J. Emery, Chairman of the Board  Millard F. Rogers, Jr., Director