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September 4, 1975

Dear Mr. Kinkead,

Answering your letter of July 21st, I take pleasure in advising you that as you correctly surmised, the portrait of Enrique Vaca de Alfaro by Valdes Leal was included in an auction, "Important Pictures by Old Masters", held at Christie's, London on Friday, June 28, 1974, under # 52.

As you will recall, it was shown in the exhibition "El Greco to Goya" held at the Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design in 1963, and was mentioned in Proessor Valverde's article, which appeared in Espiel, 1963.

With all good wishes for the success of your doctoral thesis,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Dr. Duncan T. Kinkead
Department of Art History,
College of Design, Architecture and Art
615 Brodie Al
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221