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November 17, 1958

Dear Mr. Wixom:

Just by chance while I was glancing yesterday through the catalogue "Arts of the Middle Ages", Boston Fine Arts Museum, February - March, 1940, my eyes caught hold of the reproduction, number 184, "Angel with Scroll" (Metropolitan Museum) the head of which, judging from this photograph, seems extremely close to my own "Angel's Head". You will notice that it is described as French XIV century. If I am writing in this vein it is because you asked me whether I thought it is French, and further, at the Metropolitan they still date it of the XIV instead of the early XV century as I date mine.

This confirmation of my own opinion, you will no doubt find of value. I am sending you herein a photograph of my former marble, the "Trinity" with the detail of the head, as I realized you would like to have this documentation for your files. My doing so is not quite ethical as this masterpiece no longer belongs to me, but I am breaking these self-imposed laws, it is because I have your assurance that it is only for studying purposes and that you will make no other use of them of course.

The great pleasure your visit gave me prompts me to send on, under separate, cover a copy of the special de luxe catalogue I published in connection with Prince Liechtenstein's marble sculptures which are now in the National Gallery in Washington, in the hope that you might enjoy having this document.

With all good wishes,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. William D. Wixom
Assistant Curator of Decorative Arts
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland, Ohio