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New York 22, N. Y.

December 5, 1963

Dear Mr. Cummings:

Do have my thanks for your letter of December 2nd, from which I was happy to learn of the decision reached by your Museum to purchase the drawing by


I am thus sending you herein my firm's invoice covering this acquisition in the amount of:


(One Thousand Six Hundred Twenty)

You will also find herein a photostatic copy of the painting in the Musée de Rennes (France), "Rupture d'un Pont", commissioned by Madame Du Barry, and to which your drawing is most probably linked. It might well have served as a preliminary study. I believe I showed you the reproduction and I thought that you would enjoy having it as additional data.

With all good wishes,
Sincerely yours,


Mr. Fred J. Cummings
Acting Director
Museum of Art and Archeology
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri