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480 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215,
Mahonri Sharp Young, Director, (614) 221-6801

April 23, 1976

Mr. Germain Seligman
Jacques Seligman & Co., Inc. 
5 East 57th Street
New York, New York 10022

Dear Mr. Seligman:

As you may recall, Miss Mary Beth Heston corresponded with you last summer concerning the provenance for our drawing by Edgar Degas entitled, APRÈS LE BAIN, which was in your father's collection. 

We were very grateful indeed for your kind and informative response which enabled us to establish the provenance for the work. 

As my work on the entry for this drawing comes to an end may I trouble you with just one more question? I am wondering if this drawing was included in any exhibitions while in your father's collection? If so, I would very much appreciate knowing the exact title and dates of the exhibition, whether a catalogue or checklist was published, the number our drawing received and whether it was reproduced. In addition, if possible we would like to purchase a xerox of the title page and the page on which the drawing is mentioned and/or reproduced.

Again, allow me to thank you for your very kind attention to our past inquiries.

Kathleen A. MacLean 
Kathleen A. MacLean
Research Aid
The Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts

Transcription Notes:
"APRES LE BAIN" was underlined. Kathleen A. MacLean after sincerely is a signature. No need to include underline or signature note per SI instructions