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The American Federation of Arts

NEW YORK HEADQUARTERS: 1083 Fifth Avenue, New York 28, N.Y. • SAcramento 2-2452


TO: All AFA Members

SUBJECT: Final arrangements for attending the AFA Convention at Corning, N.Y., October 29-31 ,1953.

Enclosed you will find the schedule of speakers and events included in the program for the Annual AFA Convention.

We are also sending you complete information on how to reach Corning by plane or train from New York, Buffalo and Philadelphia. Your local transportation office will be able to arrange connecting transportation from other cities.

Hotel and Motel rates are also given - and a return postcard is enclosed on which you should indicate the type of reservation you wish. Please return this card immediately.

Members will be guests of the Corning Glass Center at dinner on Thursday, October 29. The Convention Registration fee of $8 includes meal tickets for all other meals except breakfasts.

We are sending this information to all AFA Members as we know you will be interested in our program, whether you plan to attend the Convention or not. Also, we hope that some of you who had not expected to be with us may be able to change your plans.

Attendance at the Convention will be a rewarding experience for all AFA Members. we urge you to make a special effort to be in Corning on October 29.
Virginia Field
Virginia Field
Membership Secretary
October 16, 1953