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bern, uniting for Cap't Ware. Every since he first received his appointment as Supt B R F & A L. Having been connected with Capt Wares Office that length of time, I have formed the acquaintance of most of the residents of this County, and I presume, my teaching the school, will create less talk, than if a stranger should have been sent here. In my opinion the school will not be self sustaining, and I can only earnestly request that you have me appointed by some Society favorable to the cause that I may receive a fair compensation for my services. Relative to Books, I will say there is a great deficiency Especialy among the children of widows and I in behalf of that class would respectfuly request that you forward to Capt Ware, about three dozen Websters spelling Books, and about the same number of McGuffys Primary Readers  I will write you all of the particulars in connection with the school at some future time,

Hopping that this will meet your approbation and approval

I remain, Yours &c
O T Andrews
Teacher, T. S. Cleveland Temp.

Transcription Notes:
. about times