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McMinnville Ten Nov 26th 1866

Dear Sir

In answer to yours of the 15th in respect to schools in this town for the Freedman. I will state that [[crossed out]] that [[/crossed out]] they have a house in building as soon as completed they want a [[crossed out]] want [[/crossed out]] school for which they will not be able to employ a teacher but will need assistance but how much I am unable now to inform you but will as soon as their building is completed, I have had a conversation with them they inform me they will want fifty dollars to aid them in completing their building it is progressing very slowly for the want of means,

They want a colored teacher and will be able to pay him part of his [[crossed out]]a[[/crossed out]]wages but will not be able to pay him all and will need some assistance. They say they can furnish 50 scholars to their school at this place, provided you furnish [[crossed out]] him [[/crossed out]] them a white he can obtain board at this place provided he can obtain the means to pay the board, an old man named Towns taught the last session and is a very efficient teacher & could be obtained again.

Any further information you may want write and I will give you such information you may want. 

Very Respectfully your obedient servant

D. Burt

Wm Lowry Supt
Freedmen Bureau Warren
County Tenn