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charge of a competent teacher by this means young men and young women can be prepared to go out into neighborhoods where there are but few colored children and teach for small salaries and board with the parents or as it is termed up north "board round" again in some localities at present a house cannot be procured suitable for a school in the wintertime but a 3 or 5 months school can be taught in a cabin even by some tyro in teaching and if he should fail in every particular why he can go back to the normal class and improve on his failures then make this school from which teachers can be sent out to the 4 counties of Upper East Tenn. in which at the present time there is not a single school for the freedmen in operation  All that is needed is a competent teacher who can instruct a normal class and take a kind of supervision of the smaller schools in the country.  my plan is not an expensive one only requires a little hard work.

If you could find time to visit this section I think you could make profitable and agreeable the feeling here is becoming changed very much for the better and now is the time to commence a system of improvement.  I should be glad to hear from you again and will give you any information in my