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American Freedmen's Aid Commission,
Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec.13th, 1866.

Rev. D. Burt Supt. Ed.
Nashville Tenn. Fisk School

Dear Bu.

I have been & confered with three carpenters as to the work named below; & the price decided seems to me very moderate -

25 Benches 6th ft. long with backs $1.00 each  $25.00
5 Tables with drawers & locks $2.00 each  10.00
6 chairs for teachers 1.25 each  7.50
5 Bells for Teachers .40 cts each  2.00
Fixing doors & platform of chapel room  5.00

Is it possible to squeeze in for Howard school a Bloge - you know our need -

We are all under many obligations to you for the visit made us

In haste
Yours Truly
E. O. Tade.

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