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citizens living in and around Cherry Valley who are very desirous of both establishing themselves as a church and Society - and particularly anxious of having established a school by and in which they may educate their children.

They are willing and disposed to do everything they can and are able to bring about this result - Since receiving yours of the 24th Lieut Thompson informs me that he is willing to complete the building for the purposes of a School House and Church - for the Colored people in that district and for the same mentioned recd $500 - and that at the end of its lease say for two years - or on a lease of one year by the Bureau for one year with a privilege of renewal of two years - that then he will give a deed in fee simple to the Trustees of the church and Society - for $130.00 - with respect [[illegible]] of $25.00 per year on this lease cash down or will give them as long a time as they may wish to pay for it - at 6 p ¢ interest

This I am fully satisfied is the best that can be done - and I certainly think that