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BISHOP D. W. CLARK, President
REV. ADAM POE, D.D., Treasurer
REV. J.M. WALDEN, D.D., Cor. Secretary.
REV. R.S. RUST, D.D., Gen Field Sup't. 

of the 
Office: Methodist Book Concern, corner Eighth & Main,
Jan 5th 1867

Rev. D. Burke Supt. Ed tc. 

Dear Brother - I apprehend that changes, decreed necessary by Rev. Dr. Rust, which have been made in the corps of teachers at Nashville, have been attended by some unpleasant results, + which may temporarily affect the prosperity of the School. Permit me to assure you that the purpose of the society has been, + is, to make a good school in Nashville, and in or to that, it has been decreed necessary to associate with Bro: Cricklow, teachers of good qualifications and ample experience. Those who have been sent down, have been selected, with care, from a large list, + I venture to predict, that they will be found pious, devoted efficient laborers for the elevation of the freedmen. I believe that when the new order is instituted and understood, it will be of itself the corrective for the present embarrassments. 

Yours Truly J.M. Walden Cor. Sec.