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Jan 5th 1868
Ref. D. Burt
Dear Sir.  I am trying to organize a colored school about 5 miles from this city.  There are quite a number of inhabitants in that section of country that desire to have these children instructed.  The difficulty in the way is for the wanting of means to carry it out.
They commenced about 2 months ago to build a house for divine worship and also for educational purposes.  Esq McMullen gave them a lot to build on and also gave them a bond for a deed of said property subjected to the board of Trustees whose names are as follows.  Joseph Adams. Richard Martin.  & John Right.  Esq McMullen will write you and inform you on this ground.

The condition of the building is thus there being nothing done but the frame no roof, no sides, no ends, no floor, it will take about 15 hundred feet of lumber beside other things that are needed to complete it.  The estimate cost of reapirs $150 the sum to complete the building