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Total $225 18 by 25.
$225. its dimentions 18 by 20 feet height 10.  it not being large enough to accomdate all that wish to attend we design to make it 18 by 25.
The number of scholars that wish to attend 80 enough for two schools to do justice by them.  We would ask for some assistance from the Bureau to help forward the Educational interests among this race of people.
The design is to make the school a permanent one. sujected to the powers that be.
May God bless the effort to the good improvement of this race.
Yours Truly
Wm. Wells
Box 336

LR No. 132
Jan 5. 67
Wells Miss

Asks $250 to re-pair school house near Clarksville. 
Colored people have a title bond for a deed. 
[[stamp]] BUREAU R.F.& A.L.REC'D JAN 1867 NAHSVILLE ]]stamp]]