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Rev D Burt              Memphis  July 3  1864
Dear Bro,
I have this day sent through Capt. Kendrick an application for rent & for a School in the Upper part of the city and will be obliged if you will secure the approval at once, as we commence next Monday.  The room will accommodate 100, and T N Steward of whom I spoke to you when here, has received a commission from the Aid Society to teach it.
We shall secure a larger place, as soon as we can do so, but at present this is the very best we can do.  I ask the following appropriations
Rent per month          $ 40 check
Seats & Blackboards       55 check
2 Stoves  -
Table -     5 check       $100 check

We want also two or three writing desks or tables. Mr. Stewart prefers the latter, I have advanced the rent for the month to secure the building, By attending to the matter at once you will oblige
Yours Truly
W.W. Pearce