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Jonesbon Washington C. March 5th 1817
Rev. D. Burt.
Dear Sir, 
I find that Caleb Lovell, who taught the school I mentioned to you is going to work during the summer, and that in further reflection I cannot second the efforts of the Rev. Mr. Hankal to teach, because he is not sufficiently instructed himself. Mr. Lovell next fall or winter expects to be employed again by those who have patronized him during the last winter There is a gnat desire felt in that settlement to buy a lot and to erect a schoolhouse during the summer, and the question is asked whether the Bureau would help to complete the building to the amount of $100. This question you may answer whenever you come here and ascertain more particularly the facts of the case
The colored people in this place are now making an effort to employ a colored teacher till the one you have engaged arrives. The name of the teacher is Ferdinand Maxwell and I think he can be very useful to them. He is the Maxwell who headed the subscription list of this town with $2. The colored people expects to make up for him $20 per month. The question is asked where the Bureau can add $15 so that he may receive $35