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Columbia Tenn
Mar 28th. 1867

Mr. D. Burt
Dear Sir
I have been teaching school here since the 10th of April 1865 and have taught all the time, excepting short vacations in summer, but find that the amount I receive insufficient for my support. I have labored much with the people and desire to do all the good I can. I conclude from an assertion in the Press & Times of a recent date that the Bureau assists in sustaining schools that are not sufficiently sustained by the citizens. The support I get does not any month exceed $20 and often falls short of that, which I find enough to keep the school agoing, but not enough to support me. I believe that I have succeeded so far as a Teacher and beg [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] the indulgence of the Bureau, to a consideration of my case, and if possible lend me the required assistance. I labor more for the good of the people than for myself, and money has been a secondary matter with me for 2 years liking a few days, but I find that I can not continue to sustain the school without some assistance. A reply will be thankfully receives with much respect
Your Ob't Serv't 
Thomas J White