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Jonesboro, Apr. 1, 1867. 
Mr. D. Burt, 
Dr Sir:
I received your of the 18, 25 & 26 last friday. Enclosed you will find a report of the School for the Month of Mar. 
I commenced on Thurs. 7th of Mar, with 10 scholars the next mon. had 30, 25th had 40 S. present. Some will leave when spring opens and some will come from the country as soon as the roads settle. There will be a meeting held for the purpose of raising money to pay my board, next Thursday. The subscription paper that you spoke of cannot be collected much of it as quite a no of the signers have gone [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] to the country. I gave it to one of the prominent ones & he could not get only $3. and gave it back to them, but I think they will do better. Mr. Bokum is going to speak to them on Thursday. The Colored People have a grand Colored Convention to day