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As to the no, always present and always punctual I can not say that I understand the questions
As a general Rule they have attended very regular. I have marked those that are tardy and they have good excuses. Some can come only half of the time because they have to work for their board &c. 
There were Sabbath Schools established before I arrived so I did not organize any more. 
The $2.25 was taken up as a contribution and used to purchase wood for the use of the school. 
I should like very much to have a blackboard that would cost probably $1.50 or $2.00. I have slabs with legs in for [[strikethrough]] legs [[/strikethrough]] seats &c. I shall be glad to hear from you and hope you may come down early in April. 
Esq Griffith thinks and says that he does not approve of the removal of the Bureau agent and told of there being a school house burned about 8 miles from here but I have no fears on that subject. 
I hope to be able to send my reports sooner in the future. 
With my best wishes I remain Yours &c
J.R. Judson