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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Office Ass't Com'r for Ky., Tenn., and Northern Ala.,
[[strikethrough]] Nashville [[/strikethrough]] Knoxville Tenn., Apr 20 1867.

Mr P. Hoffman
Clerk &c

The inclosed bill, will answer for a Sub voucher. Please fill out the blanks entering it "for materials furnished and labor performed in repairing the Freedmens School house at Spring Hill Tenn"

The Asst Com. has authorized these repairs & will sign the papers. See that the check is sent to Rev Henry C. Eddy  [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethrough]] Spring Hill, & not to Capt. Judd of Pulaski — for Mr Eddy has authorized to contract for the work. The letter of Mr E. 

Transcription Notes:
4/27 - corrected, too many [[?]] to have been marked for review, ignore indents, don't need [[underlined]], missing punctuation, corrected, words, added image, etc. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-18 22:18:58