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Superintendent Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands,
Sub-District of Haywood County.
Brownsville, Tenn. April 12 1867

Col Bart [Burt?]
Supt Ed Board RF & AL
Nashville Tenn

Dear Sir
I wrote you some days since that our colored friends had purchased a lot in our town for the purpose of commencing a school upon a firm basis. But upon further consultation & reflection we concluded that the lot was too near the publick square and there was sound objections upon some of the property holders in the vicinity. We have declined taking it & have since purchased another unimproved lot I think in a much more amiable location & in every way suitable and a little out of town  I have had Surveys' and assisted myself  they have a deed for it and it is paid for and they have nearly enough money collected & subscribed to build them a good house  I have drawn them a plan for a house & have submitted it to them and in a few days