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for them such other help in erecting school houses & churches as the government might be disposed to give them, Hence this letter, to which you will I hope, give much direction as may lead to correspondence  with such authority as have this subject under their charge. My personal acquaintance with you is limited, having only the honor of an introduction to you as you descended from the platform in the court house when I had the pleasure of hearing one of your essays in answer I think to one Mr Prince, I am no politician, or agitator, my life having been spent principally in the school-room. I have been a member first of the Va then of the N. Carolina upon the dicision of those conferences & for 20 years of the Memphis Conf. I came here by election & invitation from  R. M Collign Va. by the excommunication of Dr. Obin to take charge of the Misn. Conf Tenn Institute where I labored for 10 years till the health of my family rendered it necessary to seek for them a more retired life, since then