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Jonesboro May 18th 1867.

Rev: D: Burt

Rev: & dear Sir,

I beg leave to state to you that I have had to day an interview with a colored man named Charles [[Lore? Love?]], residing near Johnson's Depot five miles from this town. It is his opinion that a good school could be sustained there during the summer as well as in the winter.

I have also learned that at New Canton in Hawkins County eight miles from Kingsport in Sullivan County the colored people have secured a school house and are able to pay the Board of a Teacher. My going to Kingsport next week will bring me very near to New Canton, and I expect to visit it. I also expect to visit Johnson's Depot on my return from Blountville next week. It will be in my way.

Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Hermann Bokum
Ass't Sub Ass't Comm'r.