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they still keep burning colored school houses, one was burned on Friday night last; it was nearly finished. They colored people are all anxious for schools and are making inquiry of me in regard to schools continually. If I had authority I would proceed with legal proceedings against those persons who burn the houses.

In Louisville, Blount county, they colored people are trying to buy property; can you help them? The rebels here had been treating Miss McKelvey who is teaching here very bad; even stoning the house. By request of the colored people I made them an address and told the rebels, that such outrages would not be submitted to, and I have the promise of the Governor, if they will not stop it, we will try some soldiers. I am determined that the low down people shall respect the teachers, and especially the female portion of them, if I have to institute Legal proceedings myself. 

Hoping that I have answered your inquiries to your satisfaction,

I remain respectfully
Your friend
F. Schade.