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Major General W. H. Carlin
Asst Commissioner of the Bureau of R. F. and A. L. for the State of Tennessee


Your petitioners respectfully represent that they are Colored Citizens of the County of Maury in the State of Tennessee, and are interested in the cause of education and social improvement among the Colored race, and they desire some assistance primarily from the Freedmen Bureau in the furtherance of their objects.

The Mount Lebanon Baptist Colored Society have a building which has been for some time used as a Church building and for the last ten years has also been used for school purposes. The wants of the Society and of the School have at last become so great [[strikethrough]] that it has become so great [[/strikethrough]] that it has been determined to enlarge the Building by an extension adequate to the wants of the Society and the school and a plan has been agreed upon and an estimate made by which it appears that the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars will be necessary to carry out the design of your petitioners.  Of this sum Three Hundred Dollars has been subscribed and [[strikethrough]] Two Hundred Dollars [[/strikethrough]] paid into the hands of the Treasurer. and your petitioners are satisfied that by making still further exertions the subscription list can be made to show the amount of Two Hundred Dollars: but beyond that they