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urgent request of the people and I assure you that they will before many days repudiate what their S. Board has done. 

While I regard your advice as that of a friend but some what prejudiced from the statements of others within & knowing all the facts therefore I must inform you that I think it is not best for me to leave S- therefore I expect to remain here.

One word more with reference to Hagar and then I pass the subject by as unworthy of further notice.

I know she stands high with the Commission but with all that I must say she has not acted the part of a Lady much less that of a decent woman for after she made her accusations against me public she went to the Town Hall and there promenaded with several colored men until a late hour at night and it has been much the topic of conversation on the street by the citizens and even been referred to in Public Print. Also she has told me how she and a Miss C.S. reported Proff. Ogden [[strikethrough]] com [[/strikethrough]]