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in her School. who render her invaluable Service in Sabbath School also. Our Teacher is very much respected, and from what I could see and learn was universally beloved for her many good qualities, and valuable Service.

About the buildings there, I am doubtfull whether they can be commenced before harvest. is past. Most of the men have crops out which they desire to cultivate and gather in, [[strikethrough]] and can [[/strikethrough]] consequently, cannot spare the required time to attend to the building now. After that they will take their teams, draw the logs to the mill, and have the lumber cut. If this is done (Of which I have no doubt) much expense will be saved. There can be no money drawn till the work is done. This will give us a great deal of trouble; and fail to see how we shall get along with it, unless we can get some one here to furnish us the money to begin. The two hundred dollars appropriated for our benefit here has been expended, I think, in the most profitable way. It furnished us with nearly seats enough, and besides helped