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Condition of Freedmen's School in Arkansas.

We to day give a tabular statement of the condition of the schools for freedmen in this state for the month of July 1867, as rendered by the state superintendent, Wm. M. Colby.  This statement is certainly very gratifying, as it exhibits an interest in the welfare of the colored people here truly commendable, and speaks well for those engaged in this great work of educating the colored children heretofore kept beyond the pale of civilization and knowledge.  This report shows an average attendance of over 1200 scholars, and the sim of $407 55 paid by colored children to support these schools, and that the contribution for the maintenance of them by all parties was $1,125 for the month of July.  If the various newspapers in this state engaged in the very foolish effort of trying to keep the colored people in ignorance, the degradation slavery has fastened on them during almost a century, would bend their energies for their enlightenment half as much as these poor people do, they would be much better employed than they now are.  They take pleasure in twitting the negro for his ignorance, and think it smart to do so, but not a word for his education or advancement.
Look at this statement you who have ruled this state for years, and see what these people can do for themselves, and then blush for shame that you have never by word, act or deed done anything for the advancement of your own race in this direction.  You have not built a public school-house, or in any manner favored the education of the poor whites in the State. In two years the colored man far surpasses you in the matter of education.  Shame ! Shame !-Little Rock Republican.

No. day schools ..............................  16
No. schools sustained by freemen..............   3
No. schools sustained in part by freedmen ....  11
No. school buildings owned by freedmen .......  10
No. school buildings furnished by Bureau .....   6
No. white teachers ...........................  19
No. colored teachers .........................   1
Whole number of teachers .....................  20
No. male pupils enrolled .............. 486
No. female pupils enrolled ............ 520
Total number of pupils ...................____1006
No. pupils enrolled last report............... 974
No. left school last month ................... 115
No. new scholars this month .................. 147
Average attendance ........................... 771
No. pupils paying tuition .................... 308
No. white pupils .............................  10
No. always present ........................... 495
No. always punctual .......................... 463
No. over 16 years of age ..................... 143
No. in alphabet .............................. 101
No. spell and read easy lessons .............. 724
No. advanced readers ......................... 181
No. in geography ............................. 156
No. in arithmetic ............................ 375
No. in higher branches .......................  60
No in writing ................................ 400
No. in needle-work ...........................  35
No. free before the war ......................   3
No. sabbath schools ..........................  16
No pupils in sabbath school ..................1625
Day and night schools not reported above .....   7
No pupils (estimated) in such schools ........ 193
No. teachers .................................   7
No. sabbath schools not reported above .......   4
No. pupils (estimated) in such schools ....... 140
No. teachers .................................   5
Industrial schools ...........................   1
No. pupils in all ............................  35
Amount of tuition paid by the Freedmen during
                  the month ................ $407,55
Amount of expenses for the above schools by
                  the Bureau for the month .   55,00
Total expenses per month for the the support
                  of the above schools by all
                  parties ................... 1125,00