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I think candor and honesty between friends of the same cause should be fuly exchanged I do not think it amiss to ask you to give me your views "in extenso" in regard to the condition of affairs as regards Wilson Co I do not write this in the spirit of dictation but as one who is willing to cooperate with all persons or Societies who have for their object the amelioration of the condition of mankind in this distractul Country, I would like much to have a personal interview with you It may possibly be the case that you will be delegated by John Eaton for the Superintendent of Public Instruction, to appoint County Super'dt Should this be the case, be so kind as to inform me of the fact before making your appointments for this County Dr Walden Stated in his letter that he was glad that I had suceeded in making my School self sustained. & that I should have the Church until such time as there was a complaint urged against the interests of the Church I start my pay School the first monday of September and am ordered to make my report to the Society & to you as heretofore

Please write soon and give me your views on matters contained herein

Yours Respectfully
H C Sharp