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Secretary, asking whether I desired to continue teaching and since which time I have received, nothing from them, but as their school year does not commence until the 1st of next month, I presume I may yet hear from them. I would inform you that as far as my knowledge extends, it is the general desire of the Trustees and the Colored People that I should teach the school and if I do so I would desire the cooperation of the Bureau also the A. F. U. C.  I would request of you to write to that society in reference to the matter. Leander Grant, late Teacher of the Sabbath school here, is teaching a day school five or six miles above Charleston on the Hiawassie River. Mr. A. C. Marshman is Teaching a school at Duck Town Polk County Tennessee. Both of them are doing well and I would request of you to give them your combined support.

Hoping that this will meet your approbation and approval

I have the honor to remain
Very Respectfully
Your obedt. Servant
Orville V. Andrews