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Carthage Smith Cty Tennessee Sept, 19th 67

D, Burt Esq'r
Dear sir
I read your letter dated Sept, 16th in which you addressed me as a Col'd man I am a white man and a mechanick too; I was only writing for the [[?]] of the col'd people in regard to their school-house.
Some of your Agents told them if they could manage to put up the walls and roof that you would foot the bill for the balance,  they have paid $100 and are still oweing $80 which the intend to Collect Shortley among themselves  I with others made a calculation for the balance of the work such as windows Doors Flooring and 28 pews fitting for a house of worship with a Little pulpit and other necessarys which can be done for about $250 now you know no person will Lay out about 150 Dollars for materials besides the work and have no surety for the money, I will do the work myself provided you secure the payment in a way that I would suggest; there are Two Honorable Gentlemen Lives in Carthage perhaps you are acquainted with them one by the name of Col. Tom Walters the other E. P. Turner Esq'rs both Clerks of the Circuit and County Court, now if you deposit the money with Either of them with Instructions to pay to me when the Job is finished, or send me the money and I will furnish a bond of 500 dols for the completion of the work  all will be right
N B, be pleased to send me an answer as soon as possible
Yours truly
Hugh McClarin

Transcription Notes:
REOPENED! Fixed what I could. Changed "XCty" in the first line to "Cty". Do not know what amomodale is, there are also letters above the word, which is confusing. "Apents" could potentially be "Agents", however, this is unclear. Changed "Wally's" to "walls". "28 pens fitting" could be "28 pen's fitting", this is unclear. "Coltom" could be either "Col Tom", or "Colton".