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Bureau Refugees Freedmens and Aband Lands
Agents Office
Tullahoma Tenn.
September 23 1867

D Burt Esqr
Nashville Tenn

In reply to your inquiries of 16th Ins in regard to the wishes of the Col'd people of this place regarding a School, I have the honor to reply, that a meeting was had, for the purpose, and it was ascertained that a School of about 50 Scholars could be had.
A subscription was taken with the understanding that the amount subscribed by each was to be paid in advance the 1st of each month. the sum of about $40.00 was subscribed and an arrangement made, with Mr Woodruff (the gentleman with whom Miss Alford boarded) to board a teacher and look to the subscribers for pay. the people are anxious to have a teacher, their mercenary inabilities, together