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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Office Superintendent of Education
Nashville, Tenn. September 24th, 1867

Brevet Maj. Genl. Wm. P Carlin
Asst. Commr. BRF and A Lands Tenn


I have the honor to state that you recently gave verbal assurance of aid in the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) to Robert Parish for repairs on a schoolhouse at Peytonville near Franklin Tenn. on condition that said amount shall pay last bills and put the house in order for a school.

Also to Martin Ellis and others of White Bend, a verbal promise of $100.00 was made when the same shall pay last bills and finish the house. Written authority for payment of these sums will be needed when the bills are presented. I would respectfully ask that the Asst Commr. return this communication to the Office of Supt of Education, with an endorsement that shall authorize the repairs mentioned on the conditions prescribed.

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully your obd't serv't
D. Burt
Supt of Ed. BRF and AL. Tenn