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negro children are learning well.

The use of this room can be had until the house is finished.

I am having the church and school house built on the most echonomical plan and hence we have to go slow. Of course we are tight for funds, and will be obliged to you for all the aid you can give, and as soon as the same can be had.

I am yours very truly
James P. Swann

#L.R. No. 434.

Dandridge, Tenn
September 24th 1867.

Swan, James P.

Reports in regard to the progress of the new schoolhouse at Dandridge Tenn. It will take still a while before it will be ready for use. The colored people are short of funds and wish to get help from the Bureau as soon as possible.

Rec'd B R F and A L Tenn Septbr 28th 1867.