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War Department
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Office General-Supt. Schools
Washington, Oct. 10th 1867

D. Burt, Esq.
State Supt. Education

Dear Sir: 
I have the honor to acknowledge your request for Ed. Blanks, and will state in reply that I have this day forwarded to your address
65 Copies, Form No. 1.
75 Copies, Form No. 4
Not having any of forms No 1 & 2 on hand, I have made up the number by sending additional copies of No. 1. 

Very Respectfully, Yours &c
J W Alvord
Gen. Supt. Schools

Transcription Notes:
HAD TO REOPEN - REVIEWER missed all these. - two words were missing in third line down. - we don't indent - transcribe the correct word for the ditto - man's name is "D. Burt". -man's name is "J W Alvord". (1) I had difficulty deciphering the signature. (2) I had difficulty understanding the last two characters in the line that begins with 75.