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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
State of Tennessee
Office Superintendent of Education,
Nashville Tenn. Oct 19th 1867

Thos. J Rice Agent
Murfreesboro - Dear Sir: I wish to ascertain whether a colored school has been opened at McMinnville. We expended  $300- on the school house and desire that they should have a school. Dr Rust agent of this Freedmens Aid Soc. of the M. E. Ch. North was to consider the question of supplying a teacher. If he has not done so - I will try in some other quarter hoping that the people at McMinnville will do all in their power toward the school. Will you please answer my inquiry - or if unable to do so, refer this letter to some one at McM_ who will answer it at once -
Your very respectfully
D. Burt
Supt. Ed. B.R.F & AL.