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Deputy Collector's Office,
United States Internal Revenue,
Division, 2d District, Tennessee.
Cleveland, Tenn, Oct 19th 1867

Rev. D Burt
Supt. Ed. Bureau R F & A L
Nashville, Tennessee

Dear Sir,
I have the honor to respectfully inform you that I reopened the Cleveland colored School on the 7th inst and have a fine school, I rented a school room and I would request information as to whether the Bureau will pay the rent of the same untill the new house is completed. Five Dollars pr month is the price set, for the rent of the same  The mill where they are sawing lumber for the new house operates very slow, on account of low water but, we hope to have the house near enough completed, to use soon,

Truly Yours, &c, O.T. Andrews

[[note]]I have received my new [[?]] from the A F U C New York as principal of the school.[[/note]]