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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Chattanooga Sub-District
Sub-Assistant Commissioner's Office,
Knoxville, Tenn, Oct 29th, 1867.

Rev D Burt
Supt Education B R F & A L
Nashville, Tennessee

In reply to your communication of the 24th inst. relative to an application made by Rev William Howell on behalf of a church and church enterprise at Knoxville, and asking for information as to the necessity for another School House. I have the honor to state that in my opinion another school is not now needed at this place: and I so stated to assistance. The present buildings will accommodate Two hundred more scholars than now attend. I am satisfied that the purpose is not so much to establish another school as to get aid in building a Baptist Church.

Very respectfully &c
Sam'l Walker
Bvt. Capt. & S A Com'r